The industry portal is the information platform for bringing together producers, specialist dealers, researchers and users from the medical technology industry. The B2B portal is regularly updated and offers high-quality content in its five spheres of COMPAMED, in line with the latest trends and developments in the medical world. Whether you are an exhibitor or visitor at COMPAMED, here you will find all the relevant information you need for your visit to the fair. We provide you with a versatile service that supports you, among other things, in preparing for the fair, travelling to the fair and finding a hotel. You can also use our extensive exhibitor and product database. There you can quickly and easily find the exhibitors and products that are of interest to you. Whether you are looking for specific companies, products or categories, our database provides you with all the relevant information at a glance.
"Meet Health. Future. People." is MEDICA’s campaign motto for the future in the new trade fair year 2025. The aptness of the motto was confirmed by the success of MEDICA 2024 and its concurrently held number 1 supplier trade fair, COMPAMED 2024. From 11 to 14 November, a total of 5,800 exhibiting companies from 72 nations presented their expertise to some 80,000 trade visitors (from 165 countries) and provided an impressive overview of modern healthcare solutions for inpatient and outpatient care.
Trade Talk Today: The video podcast about the trade fair
Moderated by Emily Whigham and Michael Kriess, we offer you exciting discussions on current industry topics, insights into innovative products and information on special promotions and the trade fair programme.
Researchers at the University of Cambridge have unveiled a breakthrough in materials science: soft, stretchable “jelly batteries.” These flexible batteries,…
Researchers at Friedrich Schiller University Jena have developed a novel method for the functioning of graphene-based biosensors. This technology, which allows…
Researchers at the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering have developed a unique hydrogel semiconductor with properties ideal for…
The Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research (IAP) and the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU) are developing 3D printing…
Researchers at the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) have developed a plasma printing technology that enables the precise modification…
Researchers at Empa in Switzerland have developed a new type of material that combines several pioneering properties: the cellulose aerogel is biodegradable,…
Researchers from the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) have made significant progress in…
Researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed a groundbreaking microscopy technology known…
Researchers at Fraunhofer IZM have now managed to develop a system that can automatically measure propagation losses in integrated optical waveguides, all part…
The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) have developed a contacting process with which orientation aids - and e-textiles in…
Providing the best possible support for people in production, transferring their knowledge and maintaining their ability to work for as long as possible is…
In order to produce thin organic semiconductor films automatically and with well-defined properties, researchers – led by Leibniz IPHT in Jena, Germany – have…
Scientists from the University of Stuttgart, the University of Tübingen, the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and the Max Planck Institute for…
Within the joint project KODOS (funding reference 13N14607), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, a solution for in-line process…
Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT in Oldenburg have developed a new method for collecting and analyzing vital signs…
Trends such as Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things are making the precise recording of the condition of machines and components increasingly important. To…
MIT researchers developed a generative-AI-driven tool that enables the user to add custom design elements to 3D models without compromising the functionality…
Automation and zero-defect production are important trends in machine construction. Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a major role in advancing both of them.…
Physicists at the University of Würzburg have succeeded in making a new imaging technique ready for use on humans. Radioactive markers and radiation are not…
Even if the central concern of digitally integrated production or Industry 4.0 is networking industrial systems – the individual machine remains a central…
Developing technology to quickly and efficiently bioprint human tissues at scale is the goal of a new project led by Penn State researchers. When fully…
Specific nerves may be stimulated artificially, for example to treat pain. The finer the nerves, the more difficult it is to attach the required electrodes.…
COMPAMED, the leading international trade fair for the medical technology supplier industry, will take place in Düsseldorf from November 11 to 14, 2024. The…
The grand opening of the Health Innovation Hub at Switzerland Innovation Park Ost (SIPO) laid an important foundation stone for future innovations in the field…
Health Data Research UK (HDR UK) has released findings from a study, demonstrating significant reductions in emergency hospital admissions and A&E attendances…
The Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT in Aachen has expanded its machinery with a new system for the automated molding of high-precision…
The digital world is booming and has long since become part of everyday life in industry and society. More recent developments such as autonomous driving,…
In its various disciplines and manifestations, design is increasingly gaining importance in Fraunhofer's research. Supporting this trend, the three Fraunhofer…
Fraunhofer researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT in Oldenburg have developed a speech recognition solution for use in…
The World Health Organization (WHO) ranks antibiotic resistance as one of the top ten threats to global health. A group of researchers at Chalmers University…
It sounds like trying to scan a vinyl record with a hammer: Light is actually too "coarse" to image small particles on the nanometer scale. However, in their…
The Fraunhofer Institute for Microengineering and Microsystems IMM uses microfluidics and single-cell technologies to print precise organ structures - a…
Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS) and the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Natural Sciences (MPI-NAT) are…
Researchers at ETH Zurich, led by Professor Mehmet Fatih Yanik, have developed ultra-flexible brain probes that measure brain activity precisely and gently. In…
Researchers at EPFL have developed a new miniaturized brain-machine interface (BMI) that enables direct brain-to-text communication on extremely small silicon…
With the development of the Fraunhofer Dynamic Mixing Technologies (FDmix) platform, the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology IPK…
With the development of the Fraunhofer Dynamic Mixing Technologies (FDmix) platform, the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology IPK…
Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques (IPM) have now developed an innovative sensor that measures the oxygen content…
The innovative magnetic field sensor from Q.ANT, a German quantum technology company, opens up far-reaching possibilities for prosthesis control and sensor…
Researchers at Northwestern University (USA) have developed an implant that monitors bladder fullness in real time. The battery-free, flexible device is…
Cutting-edge AI technology is improving the field of materials science, particularly in the quest for sustainable energy solutions. Researchers at the National…
A better understanding of muscle activity patterns in the forearm supports a more intuitive and natural control of artificial limbs. This requires a network of…
Over the next five years, the ERC will provide two million euro of funding for the development of a new class of electronic components that consist almost…
The Chair of Databases at TUD Dresden University of Technology is now a partner in the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) joint research and development…
Researchers from Göttingen and Karlsruhe have developed a new treatment approach for pancreatic cancer. The innovative method promises to be able to treat the…
When carrying out root canal treatment procedures, dentists need to insert a file deep into the root canal to remove the inflamed tissue. The rotating file…
Special nanoparticles could one day improve modern imaging techniques. Developed by researchers at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), the…
Scientists from the department Living Matter Physics at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPI-DS) developed a general theorem to…
Continuous monitoring of sweat can reveal valuable information about human health, such as the body’s glucose levels. However, wearable sensors previously…
BioMagnetix uses bacterial magnetic nanoparticles as innovative materials for biomedical applications. The founding team aims to develop and continuously…
Scientists from the Chair of Materials Science and Nanotechnology at TU Dresden (TUD) have made considerable progress in the development of highly innovative…
The BMBF-funded project “Forschungslabore Mikroelektronik Deutschland (ForLab)” brings together 14 German universities active in microelectronics research.…
Linnaeus University is partnering with industry and healthcare to develop advanced biosensors, investing SEK 35 million in a project aimed at faster and…
Scientists from NTU Singapore have developed a flexible battery as thin as a human cornea, which stores electricity when it is immersed in saline solution, and…
Researchers from the University of Nottingham have developed a new blood-derived material capable of repairing bones. This "biocooperative" material, created…
The Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM has developed alternatives to perfluorinated and polyfluorinated alkyl…
Researchers at Kiel University (CAU) have investigated and compared six biomedical coating materials to understand their interactions with cells, skin and…
Precise and durable materials are of crucial importance in modern medical technology. A key material in this area is steel, which is used in various forms and…
Local drug delivery over a longer period of time: this is one of the challenges that doctors face when treating wounds and inflammations. Empa researchers have…
There is new hope for patients with narrowed coronary arteries: a self-dissolving stent has been implanted for the second time worldwide at Hannover Medical…
The trend towards sustainable products and materials is also finding its way into medical technology. With the new GreenLine product range, Ottobock, one of…
Yonglong Xie, Rice University physics assistant professor, receives the NSF CAREER Award, a $888,555 grant, fueling his research on magnons, quantum entities…
Researchers at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC) have developed a thermosensitive hydrogel with multifaceted applications, including…
A single strand of fiber developed at Washington State University has the flexibility of cotton and the electric conductivity of a polymer, called polyaniline.…
Researchers at the Fraunhofer IAP have been working alongside the Fraunhofer IGB and the Fraunhofer CMI to develop a tissue adhesive that can help avoid early…
PFAS filters available for industrial waste are usually made of activated carbon (PFAS = perfluorinated and polyfluorinated alkyl compounds). As this is…
Prof Dr Klaus Kümmerer from Leuphana University Lüneburg and his colleague Prof Dr Hans-Josef Endres from Leibniz University Hanover want to develop a…
A broken bone failing to heal represents an enormous burden for patients. Fraunhofer researchers have worked alongside partners to develop a composite material…
Despite highly specialized methods that can simultaneously produce a range of materials on a single sample and then measure them automatically, every minute…
Producing new plastic by advanced recycling of post-use plastic (PUP), instead of fossil-based production, can reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and…
Researchers at the Fraunhofer IWM, in collaboration with Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG, have developed a deep learning model that enables objective…
Researchers have invented a nano-thin superbug-slaying material that could one day be integrated into wound dressings and implants to prevent or heal bacterial…
A research team from the Department of Materials Science at Kiel University (CAU) has now developed a new material based on a hydrogel that functions similarly…
JAIST researchers create liquid metal nanoparticles (PEG-IMIQ-LM) for cancer treatment, merging photothermal therapy and immunotherapy. Disintegration delivers…
The team of Prof. Dr. Thomas Scheibel, Chair of Biomaterials at the University of Bayreuth, has compiled a current overview of the state of research on…
Prof. Dr. Christopher Kuenneth together with research partners in Atlanta, USA, have now developed a digital system that promises extraordinarily high…
Autonomously switchable polymer materials have recently been developed by materials scientists at the University of Stuttgart and pharmacists at the University…
Plasma scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) have made advancements in microchip manufacturing. Their latest…
A cutting-edge research from the University of Chicago's Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering and Department of Chemistry unveils a development in immune…
Professor Pavel Jungwirth and his colleagues from the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the cochlear implant…
Germany’s telematics infrastructure (TI) aims to allow healthcare professionals to exchange patient data securely, rapidly and from anywhere. The platform for…
Researchers are developing neuromorphic materials to optimize adaptive algorithms for autonomous driving and more. These materials resemble brain structure,…
Engineering novel molecules and materials with specific properties can yield significant advances for industrial processes, drug discovery and optoelectronics.…
A novel combination of artificial intelligence and production techniques could change the future of nanomedicine, according to Cornell researchers using a new…
The EU project TEF-Health aims to test and validate innovative artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics solutions for the healthcare sector and accelerate…
Understanding spoken words, developing normal speech - cochlear implants enable people with profound hearing impairment to gain a great deal in terms of…
The best place to network for manufacturers and suppliers? 🤝 #COMPAMED, of course!
BYTEC Medizintechnik GmbH revealed this to us in an interview. 💬 What do you like most about COMPAMED?
👉 Check out the full report (link in the comments)!
👓 Who of you relies on glasses to see clearly? 🧐 Sure, they're not exactly #HighTech, but they get the job done.
But consider this: 40 million people worldwide are blind, and another 124 million live with visual impairments where standard vision correction isn't an option.
That's where innovative visual implants come in. Thanks to advances in microtechnology, these solutions are becoming more sophisticated and compact - opening new possibilities for vision restoration.
Curious about these developments? We've taken a look at the latest innovations in this field. 👇 🔄 #COMPAMED
High-tech that makes healthcare possible
#COMPAMED2024 has shown us one thing clearly: without micro- and nanotechnology, modern healthcare wouldn’t be where it is today. From precise diagnostics to smart wearables – these essential parts & pieces are the building blocks that keep the systems of medical progress running smoothly.
We’re proud to have exactly the right partners on board with the IVAM Microtechnology Network, whose expertise makes a true difference.
Hope you also made it to the COMPAMED HIGH-TECH FORUM, right? 😉
Even after two weeks, Christian Grosser's impressions of MEDICA & COMPAMED 2024 remain vivid.
As Project Manager, his days at the trade fair are always particularly intense. Yet we wanted to capture Christian Grosser's perspective 🤳 on what made #MEDICA2024 & #COMPAMED2024 special.
🔛 A review that builds anticipation for #MEDICA2025 & #COMPAMED2025!
Have you marked your calendar yet? 📅
🎉 "COMPAMED is very special!" - and the 750 exhibitors who took part this year would definitely agree! 🌍
From new components to smart materials, this is where the global #MedTech supplier community comes together, proving once again that innovation is truly a team effort! 🤝
👉 Ready to join the conversation? Let us know how COMPAMED 2024 made an impact on you or your business! 💬
Freudenberg Medical #COMPAMED2024#MEDICA2024
Small, smaller, microtechnology at #COMPAMED2024
Microtechnology is an integral part of COMPAMED, because it enables so much in medicine. For example, implants or devices that are worn directly on the body. Miniaturised and high-precision components are also used in surgery and laboratories.
At COMPAMED, we keep an eye on products that are getting smaller and smaller. 🔎 What did you marvel at the most?
Camozzi Automation
⭐️DAY 1 of COMPAMED 2024!⭐️
Very excited to be back in Düsseldorf and glad to have already met some familiar faces. Can already feel excitement of what should be a great show.
I will be around Hall 8a/8b so if you see me, shout “CMO ROW” or drop me a message and we can arrange time to speak.
📸Shout out once again for the commitment shown by people I ask to take my photo
📞 +44 7754 588 706 / +1 929-294-7260
One of the great things about attending exhibitions is bumping into people you know and work with. We were delighted to see our friends from Alerta Medical at the Medica show today. Alerta Medical are one of our valued suppliers and it was great to see them exhibiting at the show.
Pictured from left to right are Ian Lindberg, Xenya Lindberg both from Alerta Medical and Barbara Meeks and Phil Holmes from Care Shop.
Did you know Advanced Energy has the broadest #medical power portfolios for standard and #configurable products? Our AE product lines meet all your medical #power needs.
Check out our latest medical power, control and sensing solutions at #MEDICA and #COMPAMED 2024 booth J13 in Hall 8A in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Learn more: